It's Time To Reinvent Yourself!

Get Your Free Guide:

How to Reach Your Highest Potential, Even if You've Struggled For Years!

Without Giving In To Hustle Culture or Burnout

In This Guide You will discover:

  • How To Feel Unstoppable

  • Smash Internal Blocks To Progress

  • The Proven Method To Finding Your Purpose

  • How To Transform Limiting Beliefs To Personal Power

After Decades of Watching Transformations, I Realized ...
After Decades of Watching Transformations, I Realized ...

There is only one thing that stands in The way of your Heart's Desire...

Your Self-Esteem

Here's the Problem...

How many times have you come so close to a goal, only to watch it slip through your fingers?

You work so hard, struggling and sacrificing along the way, but you sabotage your own success and end up right were you started.

Or worse, even further behind...

And Society doesn't help. 

We're told that to achieve our goals, all we need is the right love language, business plan, or the right dress size...

But that is focusing on the wrong problem! 

Here’s the cold hard truth: 

You already know what to do, but you just don’t do it...

It's Not Your fault...

You have been sold a lie. The lie is that you have to change who you are to be loved, or work harder to get the money or suffer to reach that ideal weight. But that's focusing on the wrong problems.

the real issue is Your self-esteem

You only allow into your life what you feel you deserve on a subconscious level. So even if you find the right person, job or ideal weight, it doesn't last because subconsciously, you don't believe you deserve it. So you sabotage...

Eliminate limiting beliefs

The only way to actually achieve your dream goals LONG TERM is to change what you believe you deserve at that subconscious level.



the 6 Week 

self-esteem workshop

Raise Your Self-Esteem To Attract What You Deserve!

Here's What You Get:

6 Live, Online Classes. . . . . . . . . . . (Value $597)

  • Power of Beliefs & Law of Attraction 

  • ​The New Vision - Create A Compelling Future

  • ​Identify & Change Limiting Beliefs

  • ​Boundary Setting 101

  • ​Releasing Resistance - The Freedom Process

  • ​Creating Lasting Change & Celebration

Special Bonuses:

Private Facebook Group. . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

Private 30 Minute Coaching Call. . .  (Value $97)

Recorded Sessions . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . (Value $47)

The Reinvent Course eBook . . . . . . . (Value $47)

"I Am" Meditation Series . . . . . . . . . (Value $47)

Total Value = ($982)

Today's price = $297

Here's What Former Students are Saying...

I was so stuck in my career. But the tools I learned and the “attraction” exercises we did

materialized tangible results in the most unimaginable way.

- Laura J.

I was feeling burned out, stressed out, and overwhelmed. Learning how to set boundaries with myself

has been really life-changing!

- Kim M.

After the 3rd class on limiting beliefs, I realized my core belief of “not good enough” wasn’t even true!

The next day I reached out to a college counselor to talk about getting my degree.

- Jane N.

Honestly, I was doubtful and unsure about all this, but I was so sick of feeling stuck!

So I finally took the leap and was SO glad I did!

- Jayme C.

The connections and community was probably my favorite part of the whole class. I didn’t know anyone at first

so I was really nervous, but by the end of it, I felt like I had made some real connections.

- Tammy H.

As seen on:
Right about now is when the "inner Critic" pipes up...
You get thoughts like, "But isn’t it selfish to focus on myself? What if I can’t do it? I’ve read so many books, listened to podcasts, attended webinars, tried therapy and nothing has worked."

Here's the truth - That doubting voice is your inner critic. It’s your subconscious limiting beliefs, rationalizing that you should play small and stay safe. 

This is what I want you to know….IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT

Those limiting beliefs come from childhood, from family, and from society, and those will be the biggest obstacle preventing you from taking action today. 

Your mind will come up with all the excuses *not* to join the workshop.

Excuses like, "I don’t have the time, I don’t have the money, it’s selfish to invest in myself, or this won’t work for me."

But be aware...
That voice will sound logical. It will be convincing, but it will also keep you stuck in that familiar small place that you hate, but where you feel safe.
And if nothing changes, you can stay there until the end of your life, looking back with regret, wondering why you never let yourself be happy. 

You will wonder what you were afraid of, but it will be too late.

But that does not have to be your story!

and how do I know?

Hi, my name is Arlina. 

I’m so happy you’re here!

Over the last 28 years, I have witnessed thousands of people overcome impossible lifelong struggles - like breaking addictions to drugs and alcohol, to transform their lives and realize their dreams.

What I discovered, is that at the core, there is only one issue; low self-esteem. A deep, subconscious belief about what we think we deserve.
By changing our beliefs, we change what we allow into our lives. The same principles and methods used to break addictions, can be applied for any transformation, no matter what the outward problem is. Simply by focusing on the right problem.

It’s time to Reinvent yourself, to let go of that old story that keeps you stuck in old patterns, and step into a new vision for your life.


I want to offer you the chance to take a short cut so you can stop wasting your precious time, and start realizing your dreams. 

Just imagine for a moment, what would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? 

Imagine having the love you’ve always desired...

the finances you’ve dreamed about...

the body you’ve always wanted...

We're Seeing Results...

Pamela A. says...

"It took me a long time to figure out what I really wanted. I have always put myself last. Then I

was afraid of what others would think, but we did some exercises in class that REALLY got rid of my fears! Once I got past that, I started to let myself dream again. It’s been a long time since I thought about what I wanted. I’m so grateful I found this class!"

Michelle H. says...

What you think about, you bring about.” That was news to me! I never really got the connection between how I was thinking and what was happening in my life. I thought it was all happening TO me. Now I understand how my thoughts and feelings play a role in what shows up and I have the science to explain it all. I needed more than trust and faith because I didn’t have any. Now I feel so much more hopeful that I can achieve my goals!

Anne C. says...

This class changed my life! We did writing exercises IN CLASS so I didn’t have to try to set aside time later on. I learned about how to change my negative thinking, set boundaries and now I’m seeing so much change in my relationships and feel so much more hopeful for the future.

Mary S. says...

Seems like I tried everything to lose the weight I put on after my divorce. I would make some progress, then have a bad day and self-sabotage by eating a whole pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. After a couple of weeks of using the self-care techniques from class, I started to process my feelings instead of impulsively eating. I learned that the weight was a symptom of the pain I was carrying. It’s still early, but I can already see the changes in how my clothes fit!

Monica L. says...

I had decided to join the class because I wanted more out of my life. I had been completely disconnected from myself for years. The principals and exercises we did in class, helped me to see myself in a new light, and with the support of the group, things started to shift! I no longer feel so frustrated, I feel confident in my purpose, and to my surprise, I feel like I’m enough for the first time ever!

Stephanie says...

The Reinvent Course offers a safe place to be open and honest about your feelings. The support and guidance Arlina provides is a gift. The content she provides encourages growth and understanding of your feelings. A wonderful added bonus is the friendships you make with those in class! I am so glad I joined this life-changing course!

Just imagine what would be possible if you believed you deserved everything you wanted
Love & Relationships
If you believed you deserved love, you wouldn't settle for "good enough". You would have the courage to be honest to speak up and ask for what you want and need. You would be able to accept love and kindness and not see it as weakness or "not good enough".
Financial Security
If you believed you deserved financial abundance, you would have the courage to take a calculated risk, to finish that book or project. You would attract the right partnerships, opportunities or career and not force yourself to do something you hate, just for the money.
Health & Fitness
If you believed you deserved good health and fitness, you would love yourself, exactly as you are. You would choose to take good care of your body by eating the right food, getting enough sleep and staying active. You would take care of your mental and spiritual health by praying, meditating and being in service to others. If you believed you deserved to feel like you were fulfilling your life's purpose, you would have the courage to follow your heart and trust in your concept of God.
Here's the good news...
You can change what you believe you deserve
Wasted Time....
Wasted Money....
Your new beliefs Will affect your whole family
We teach by example. How will having better self esteem affect your children?
You can be the example
How can we expect our kids to have good relationships, or manage their money or take care of their bodies if we don't? 

When you show them how, what they believe is possible changes. It literally changes the trajectory of their lives.

Eliminate Axiety & Fear
Would managing your anxieties and fears make you a better parent? With this workshop you will have tools and resources to help manage your anxiety and fear so you and your family can live with peace and harmony.
Live Free in the Present
The forgiveness process will allow you to let go of the inner critic by resolving past guilt and shame. This is the foundation of learning to build healthy self-esteem!
be part of a movement
In an age of superficial social media, we are all hungry for real connection. By allowing yourself to be authentic in a safe environment, you become a valuable member of a revolutionary community.
Once you learn to allow yourself to receive the good things in life, self doubt & self sabotage will slip away so that you can manifest the life you were always meant for.
and so, so much more...

For ambitious women who want to realize their goals of love, finance, and fitness; without spending thousands of dollars and years of their lives, working on the wrong problems!

It's an online, 6 week, live group workshop, to help you get to the root of what's holding you back

Come away with a new support system, tools for long term change, a new self image and vision for what is possible in your future. 

What’s Included
The magic of the workshop is the action you take on the live calls!
Self Care Ritual
Create a morning self care ritual to nurture your self and set your daily intention.
Forgiveness Process
Identify negative beliefs, then the process to resolve them and let them go.
Your New Vision
Address Cause of Fears & Anxiety. Create a compelling future self image.
Connection Cure
The step-by-step process to create a support system and the activities to build self-esteem.
Boundary Setting
The fundamentals of boundaries, practical exercises to set boundaries for inner peace & healthy relationships.
Law of Attraction
Learn how to leverage the universal law of attraction to easily manifest your deepest desires.
By attending the workshop, you are supported through taking action together, so you see results!
Space is limited! This workshop will sell out!

Due to the nature of the class being so personal, I keep the class sizes small to foster a safe environment. 

If you are ready to let go of what's holding you back and raise your self-esteem, don't wait!

Space is Limited!

Tuesday Nights:

November 8th at 5:00pm PsT


the 6 Week 

self-esteem workshop

Change your beliefs to realize your dreams!
Here's What You Get:

6 Live, Online Classes. . . . . . . . . . . (Value $597)

  • Power of Beliefs & Law of Attraction 

  • ​The New Vision - Create A Compelling Future

  • ​Identify & Change Limiting Beliefs

  • ​Boundary Setting 101

  • ​Releasing Resistance - The Freedom Process

  • ​Creating Lasting Change & Celebration

Special Bonuses:

Private Facebook Group. . . .. . . (Value $97)

Private 30 Minute Coaching Call. . . (Value $97)

Recorded Sessions . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . (Value $47)

The Reinvent eBook . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $47)

"I Am" Meditation Series . . . . . . . . . (Value $47)

Reinvent Morning Pages . . . . . . . . . (Value $27)

Total Value = ($982)

Today's price = $297

I know you will love it

The Guarantee 

If you’re not 100% satisfied with the course after the first class, I will offer you a full refund, Scout's honor.

Make your payment today, and you don’t even have to decide if you’re in for good!

Hold your spot, show up to class, and THEN make a decision using the information YOU HAVE, rather than the information you don’t.

Summarize what sort of transformation happened because of your offer.
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- Jane Awesome, Acme Co.
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- Jane Awesome, Acme Co.
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- Jane Awesome, Acme Co.
List out examples that help your prospect see themselves after they've used your product.
Add Some Video Testimonials
 If you have them.
Remind Them of The Scarcity. That Waiting Will Have Consequences.


the 6 Week 

self-esteem workshop

Change your beliefs to realize your dreams!
Here's What You Get:

6 Live, Online Classes. . . . . . . . . . . (Value $597)

  • Power of Beliefs & Law of Attraction 

  • ​The New Vision - Create A Compelling Future

  • ​Identify & Change Limiting Beliefs

  • ​Boundary Setting 101

  • ​Releasing Resistance - The Freedom Process

  • ​Creating Lasting Change & Celebration

Special Bonuses:

Private Facebook Group. . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

Private 30 Minute Coaching Call. . .. (Value $47)

Recorded Sessions . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . (Value $47)

The Reinvent eBook . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $47)

"I Am" Meditation Series . . . . . . . . . (Value $47)

Total Value = ($982)

Today's price = $297

You might be thinking..
(Psst...This is where your inner critic is going to kick in again!)
What if I miss a class? Will there be a recording?
I get it! Life happens. To ensure you don't miss a thing, every class will be recorded and available in the private class Facebook Group.
How will I get access to the classes?
Each class will have a unique Zoom link which will be posted in the Facebook Group. 
Do I have to have a computer to sign up for the workshop?
A computer would be ideal, but you can still access the classes from a smart phone or tablet.
Let's do this!

If you keep doing what you've been doing, you'll keep getting what you've been getting. 

It's time to make a decision and take action! Class is filling up, so sign up today while there's still space!

"Create the grandest, biggest dream for your life because you become what you believe" - Oprah Winfrey
Let's do this!

If you keep doing what you've been doing, you'll keep getting what you've been getting. 

It's time to make a decision and take action! Class is filling up, so sign up today while there's still space!

"Create the grandest, biggest dream for your life because you become what you believe" - Oprah Winfrey


The 6 Week 

Self- Esteem Workshop

Change what you believe what you deserve, change your life!
Here's What You Get:

6 Live, Online Classes .. . . . . . . . . . (Value $597)

  • Power of Beliefs & Law of Attraction 

  • ​The New Vision - Create A Compelling Future

  • ​Identify & Change Limiting Beliefs

  • ​Boundary Setting 101

  • ​Releasing Resistance - The Freedom Process

  • ​Creating Lasting Change & Celebration
Special Bonuses:

Private Facebook Group. . . . . . (Value $97)

30 Minute Coaching Call . . . . . (Value $97)

Recorded Sessions . . . . . .. . . . . (Value $47)

The Reinvent eBook . . . . . . . . . (Value $47)

"I Am" Meditation Series . . . . . (Value $47)

Reinvent Morning Pages . . . . . . (Value $27)

Total Value = ($982)

Today's price = $297 - By Sober Life School -All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions - arlina @